The ducal city will host the 9th edition of the National Biofilms Network Symposium on the Brabois - Santé Campus, recently rehabilitated and welcoming the brand new Faculty of Pharmacy.
The objective of the National Biofilms Network is to bring together all the players concerned by the "Biofilms" theme (researchers and professionals from the health, agri-food and environmental sectors) through scientific and methodological exchanges. The main animation tool of the Network is the organization of thematic colloquia.
As usual, the expected topics related to biofilms are very broad and relate to environmental and health microbiology, clinical microbiology, microbial biotechnologies, bioremediation of polluted environments, electroactive biofilms, microbial ecology, microbial interfaces and adhesion mechanisms, the fight against biofilms through the development of non-stick surfaces and / or antimicrobials, genetic regulation and gene transfer, ...
TEMPLATE FOR ABSTRACT: Abstract_template_RNB9_Nancy_6.doc
2019 News
In 2019, the GNI conference opens up internationally!
English will be retained for the first day with Knut DRESCHER who will open the plenary session.
An English session will allow the participation of non-French speaking members of our laboratories (post-doc or PhD students) or from abroad.
Guest speaker / opening plenary session
Director of the Bacterial Biofilms Laboratory at the Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Biology (Marburg, D)
Professor in Biophysics at the University of Marburg
Composition of the local organizing committee:
Mathieu ETIENNE (CNRS, LCPME, Nancy)
Frédéric JORAND (University of Lorraine - College Pharmacy, LCPME, Nancy)
Sylvie KAUTZ (EPHE, LCPME, Nancy)
Laurence MATHIEU (EPHE, LCPME, Nancy)
Fabienne QUILES (CNRS, LCPME, Nancy)
Dates to remember:
- May 20, 2019: opening online submissions
- July 1th, 2019 Registration:
- September 4th, 2019: deadline for submission of abstracts
- October 8th 2019: notification of the acceptance of the summaries
- October 8th, 2019: Final program online
- November 19, 2019: Deadline for online registration